With sparse and robust landscapes as the central theme this season, we referenced the garden at Prospect Cottage. This famous oasis located on the shingle shore near Dungeness nuclear power station by Derek Jarman.
Here, Jarman set about creating his version of paradise with a certain visual narrative. Just like a film set, this garden feels visionary, eccentric, romantic and rebellious. The looming buildings of the nuclear power station dominate this scene; an indelible mark on the landscape that adds to a sense of otherworldliness that makes Dungeness feel so unique.
The planting palette was dictated by vegetation, which could thrive in this inhospitable place, adapting to the calcareous soil and the salt-laden winds. Species such as the sea kale, woody nightshade, horned poppy, and valerian appear through the shingle. These little plants hunkered down while battered by the elements inspired us with their resilience, colours and shapes. Similarly, his collection of rope, washed up driftwood, bits of metal and pebbles have been focal design points throughout this collection just like the sculptures Jarman created for this garden.