A Fond Farewell!

Dearest EZ community,

After 8 amazing years, I wanted to take a moment to express
my deepest gratitude for your unwavering
support of my jewellery brand, EJING ZHANG. 
It has been an incredible journey filled with creativity, passion, 
and unforgettable moments.

As I prepare to embark on a new chapter in my creative journey, 
I have made the decision to close the Ejing Zhang online shop on the 4th of July. 
However, before we bid farewell, I wanted to offer you the opportunity 
to own a piece at exclusive prices. Our remaining stocks are now
on sale until our closure date. 

I am truly grateful for the friendships and connections I have made
during these years. Your trust, enthusiasm, and loyalty have meant the
world to me, and I am forever grateful for your support.
While this chapter may be coming to an end, I assure you that my
passion for the creative industry will stay as strong as ever.
Thank you for being a part of the Ejing Zhang family and for joining me 
on this incredible journey. 
With love,
Ejing X